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ULST ULST Sustainable development can be interpreted in different ways, being centered on an approach to development that seeks to balance different and often competing needs with an awareness of the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society.

This event is intended for stakeholders in life sciences related sectors: researchers, scholars, engineers, resources managers, students, policy-makers, and all those interested in agriculture 4.0, veterinary medicine, biodiversity, biotechnology, horticulture, plants, animal production, climate change, water management, soil conservation, integrated agriculture management and rural tourism, food security, land cadaster, Sustainable Agriculture Issues and other related agriculture and environment issues.

Multidisciplinary Conference on Sustainable Development, organized University of Life Sciences ”King Mihai I” from Timisoara, Romania provides great opportunity to build worldwide networks, as well as to share knowledge and experiences on the current advances in sustainable agricultural and environmental topics.

Conference topics:

Participants will have the opportunity to present short presentations and posters on their work and discuss their research in a relaxed, multidisciplinary and scientific environment. We also offer key-note lectures by internationally recognized scientists working in areas connected to the conference sections:

  1. Agriculture
  2. Environmental Engineering
  3. Geomatics
  4. Biology
  1. Horticulture and Forestry
  2. Veterinary Medicine
  3. Agricultural Management, Marketing and Consulting
  4. Economy and Rural Development
  1. Agricultural Finance,
  2. Rural Tourism,
  3. Food Chemistry, Engineering & Technology,
  4. Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology,

Trends in European Agriculture Development


agriculture, environmental engineering, geomatics, biology, plant protection, agricultural machinery
Engineering and Applied Technology:

Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology


Horticulture, Landscaping, Forestry, Plant Biotechnology
Veterinary Medicine:

Global challenges and solutions for animal and public health in One Health context


Animal Diseases, Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Small Animal Veterinary Medicine, Farm Animal Veterin
Agricultural Management:

Management of Sustainable Rural Development


Agricultural management, marketing and consulting Eeconomy and rural development agricultural financ
Food Chemistry, Engineering & Technology:

Food Chemistry, Engineering & Technology


Food Science, Food Engineering, Food Biotechnology, Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, Food Consumer S
Animal Husbandry and Bioengineering:

Biotechnology and Animal Science


Biotechnology, animal husbandry
Prof. Dr. Ing. Cosmin Alin Popescu


Prof. dr. Kalman Imre